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Weekly Workouts 5-11 August 2019

Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email to set up an account.


MONDAY: Fitness: 1. 10 minutes to find a Quality 5RM Front Squat. 2. 4x3 Min AMRAPs, 3 minutes rest between. AMRAP 3:00 21/15 Calorie Row 21 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Goblet Squats 16/12kg AMRAP 3:00 18/13 Calorie Row 18 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Goblet Squats 20/16kg AMRAP 3:00 15/11 Calorie Row 15 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Goblet Squats 24/20kg AMRAP 3:00 12/9 Calorie Row 12 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Goblet Squats 32/24kg Performance: 1. 10 minutes to find a Quality 5RM Overhead Squat 2. 4x3 Min AMRAPs, 3 minutes rest between. AMRAP 3:00 21/15 Calorie Row 21 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Overhead Squats 35/25kg AMRAP 3:00 18/13 Calorie Row 18 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Overhead Squats 42.5/30kg AMRAP 3:00 15/11 Calorie Row 15 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Overhead Squats 52.5/37.5kg AMRAP 3:00 12/9 Calorie Row 12 Lateral Burpees over Rower Max Overhead Squats 60/42.5kg Sweat: Mikko Triangle10 Rounds (hold a set calories) 1 Min Bike Cals 1 Min Row Cals 1 Min Ski Cals 1 Min Rest If you failed last attempt at a number, now try to do that number but with a task priority. Still include the 1 minute rest. Weightlifting: 1. In 15 minutes Build to a Heavy: Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat + Snatch + Overhead Squat 2. OT90 x7: Snatch Pull + 2 Snatch Shrug @ 110% of previous complex. 3. Back Squat Week 14: OT2M3x 70%, 80%, 3+ x 90% @ Wave 4 loading + 5x10 Elevated (Blue Plate) Reverse Back Rack Lunges @ 40% of Back Squat 1RM


TUESDAY: Fitness 1. On the 90sec x 7 Clean Shrug + Hang Power Clean + Clean Pull + Power Clean 2. 9 Min AMRAP: 5 Power Cleans 60/40kg 5 Strict Pull Ups 15 Sit Ups Post: 3x30 Sec Weighted Hex Hold Performance: 1. On the 90sec x 7 Clean Shrug + Hang Power Clean + Clean Pull + Power Clean 2. "Nowhere Fast" 50 Power Cleans 70/47.5kg *On the Minute - 5 Toes to Bar (including 0) Post: 3x30 Sec Weighted Hex Hold


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: 1. 10 minutes to Build to a heavy set of 3 Dumbbell Push Press 2. 3 Rounds: 800 Meter Run 80 Double Unders 21 DB Push Press 15/10kg Performance: 1. 10 minutes to build to a heavy set of 3 Push Press 2. 3 Rounds: 800 Meter Run 80 Double Unders 21 Push Press 52/37.5kg Sweat: "300" 1 minute work, 1 minute rest Goal is 300/250m Row within the minute. If you miss, drop down to 250/200m. Workout will continue until everyone has missed the target or 60 minutes elapses, whatever comes first... Weightlifting: 1. 12 mins to Build to a heavy: Hang Power Clean + Pause (2 sec) Front Squat + Front Squat + Jerk 2. 1. OTM x 7: Min #1 - 7 HS Cleans + 1 Push Jerk Min #2 - 6 HS Cleans + 2 Push Jerk Min #3 - 5 HS Cleans + 3 Push Jerks Min #4 - 4 HS Cleans + 4 Push Jerks Min #5 - 3 HS Cleans + 5 Push Jerks Min #6 - 2 HS Cleans + 6 Push Jerks Min #7 - 1 HS Clean + 7 Push Jerks Barbell Loading - 56% of 1RM 3. Deadlift Week 14: OT2M - 3x 70%, 80%, 3+ x 90% @ Wave 4 loading + 5x10 Weighted Hip Extensions (aim to add a little bit to each set from last week).


THURSDAY: Fitness: 1. 3x100m Banded Farmers Carry 2. 8 Rounds: 30 work, 30 rest Bike Cals Row Cals Ski Cals 1 minute rest


See Fitness Gymnastics: Rope Climbs and Double Unders (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


(Fun Kit) FRIDAY: Fitness: 1. 10 Minutes to complete: 3-6-9-12-15: Unbroken Deadlifts (60%) After each set, 5 Weighted Push Ups 2. 5 Rounds: 20 Russian KB Swings (32/20kg) 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20") Performance: 1. 3-6-9-12-15: Unbroken Deadlifts (60%) After each set, 30% of our Max Strict HSPU 2. "Hop Scotch" 5 Rounds: 10 Power Snatches (52.5/38kg) 10 Box Jump Overs (30"/24")


SATURDAY: (You must reserve a spot for the 8.30am class via the Zen Planner app) Fitness: In 25 minutes: In Pairs 1 Mile Run: (alt each 400m) 8 Rounds (alternate after a full round) 7 Thrsters 35/25kg 7 Pull Ups 7 Burpees 800m Run (400m each) Max Rounds of: (alternate after a full round) 7 Thrsters 35/25kg 7 Pull Ups 7 Burpees

Performance: See Fitness Weightlifting: 1. 4 Rounds: Min 1: 3 Power Snatch Min 2: 2 Power Snatch Min 3: 1 Power Snatch *Start at 75%, increase load after each round if possible. If you miss a rep go back to 70% and remain there for the rest of the workout. 2. OTM x 12 (6 Rounds) Odd Minutes - 3 Front Squats Even Minutes - 6 Back Squats Barbell - 64% of 1RM Back Squat This is a 3% increase from last week 3. Press Week 14: OT2M3x 70%, 80%, 3+ x 90% @ Wave 4 loading + 5x5 Single Arm Barbell Press (aim to add a little more to each set from last week). Competition Club: 1. For time 10 Alt. DB Snatches 40/30kg 20 Alt. DB Snatches 30/22.5 30 Devils Press 22.5/15kg 2. "Heartburn" 1 Mile Run, directly into: 10 Rounds of the “Bergeron Beep Test” 1 Round of “BBT”: 7 Thrusters (35/25kg) 7 Pull-Ups 7 Burpees


SUNDAY: 9am CrossFit: In Pairs: 30 Min AMRAP 20 True Ring Rows 40 Calorie Ski 60 Calorie Bike 80 Sit Ups 100m Bear Crawl 10am: Gymnastics: Rope Climbs and Double Unders (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:

11am: Mobility Class Open Gym 10am - 12pm: Please remember to sign in.

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