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Weekly Workouts 20-26th of May

Writer's picture: JasonJason

Please check our trial timetable that we are currently running here:


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email to set up an account.


MONDAY: Fitness: 1. In 10 Minutes: Build to a Quality: 5 Rep Front Squat 2. At 0 Min: 60 Kettlebell Swings 32/20kg At 7 Min: Alternating Tabata 20 work / 10 rest x 8: AbMat Sit-Ups Hollow Rocks Performance: 1. In 10 Minutes: Build to a Quality: Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch 2. At 0 Min Isabel: 30 Power Snatches 60/42.5kg At 7 Min: See Fitness Sweat: 1. 8 Min alt OTM: 40 work, 20 rest Banded pull throughs 10 Hip Raises (each side) 2. In teams of 2: 100 Calorie Row 100 Single DB Alt. Lunges 22.5/15kg 100 Calorie Ski 100 Banded Low Row 100 Calorie Bike Weightlifting: 1,2 and 3 all E2MOM 1. Pausing Snatch Balance 4x2* 2 sec Pause in the bottom 2. Pausing High Hang Snatch 4x2 Two pauses:- 2s Pause in Pockets - 2s Pause in the Bottom 3. 4 Sets: Snatch + Snatch w Pause at finish *First Snatch as usual, second Snatch with a 5 second pause at full extension 4. Back Squat: Week 3 - E2MOM Sets of 5x 75%, 3x 85%, 1+ x 95% (working off 90% of 1RM) + 5x10 @ 50%


TUESDAY: Fitness AMRAP 4: 28 Calorie Row, 28 Burpees, 27 CTB Pull-Ups Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 21 Calorie Row, 21 Burpees, 21 Toes to Bar Rest 4:00 AMRAP 4: 15 Calorie Row, 15 Burpees, 15 Pull-Ups Compare to 16/5/18 AMRAP #1 Wacey 1 + 5 Cals, Kim 0 Rounds + 12 C2B AMRAP #2 Sean S 1 + 19 Cal, Kim 1 + 6 Cal AMRAP #3 Jason 1 + 8 Pull Ups, Kim 1 + 5 Bur Performance: See Fitness


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: 1. Deadlift: Week 3 - E2MOM Sets of 5x 75%,3x 85%, 1+ x 95% (working off 90% of 1RM) 2. 2 Rounds for time: 10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 20 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Front Rack Lunges 50/35kg 40 Wall Balls 9/6kg 10/9ft Performance: 1. See Fitness 2. Napalm 2 rounds for time of: 10 Bar Muscle-ups 20 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Deadlifts, 102.5/70 kg 40 Wallballs, 12/9 kg, 10 ft Compare 14/08/18 Scott S: 12.44 Liz: 19.27 Sweat: 4 Rounds: 4 min work, 1 min rest: 25/21 Calorie Row 21/17 Calorie Bike Max Calorie Ski Weightlifting: 1. Split Jerk: E2MOM 5x2 - Pausing Split Jerk (catch) 5x1 - Split Jerk - Building to a heavy single for the day. 2. Deadlift: Week 3 - E2MOM Sets of 5x 75%,3x 85%, 1+ x 95% (working off 90% of 1RM) + 5x5 Clean Pulls at 50%(if you did todays wod, sub this for 10 upright row + 10 bent over row 3. 6 x 1 Tempo Front Squat + 1 Front Squat Only on the first repetition of the 2-rep complex, complete with a (5) second negative to the bottom of the squat. No pause in bottom.


THURSDAY: Fitness:

1. 15 Minute to accumulate quality of: 5 Bridge Ups 10 Single Leg Connected Glute Bridge 10 Front Rack Cossack Squats 15 Side Plank Lat Pulldowns 2. Row 4 Rounds for time: 500m Row 1 Min rest 13 Min Cap


For Fitness Gymnastics: Kipping Pull Ups (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


FRIDAY: Fitness: "Cement Mixer" Every 3:00 for 7 Sets: 400 Meter Run 12 Toes to Bar Compare to 10/8/18 Scott: 12.49 Liz 13.46 Post: OTMx5 20 Sec L-Sit Performance: See Fitnes


SATURDAY: Fitness: In Pairs: 2 Rounds for Reps 2.30 on, 30 off - Alt Double DB Step Ups 22.5/15kg 24/20" - Ring Dip - 5m Prowler Push and Pull 60/40kg - Strict Pull Up - Calorie Bike

Performance: See Fitness Weightlifting: 1. E2MOM x 6: Clean Pull + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk - 2 minutes rest and reset - 2. On the Minute x 6: Min #1 - 6 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk Min #2 - 5 Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Push Jerks Min #3 - 4 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Push Jerks Min #4 - 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 4 Push Jerks Min #5 - 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 5 Push Jerks Min #6 - 1 Hang Squat Clean + 6 Push Jerks Barbell Loading - 55% of 1RM Clean and Jerk 3. Press: Week 3 - E2MOM Sets of 5x 75%,3x 85%, 1+ x 95% (working off 90% of 1RM) + 5x10 @ 50% 3. Front Squat Waves Set #1 - 4 Reps Set #2 - 2 Reps Set #3 - 4 Reps Set #4 - 2 Reps Set #5 - 4 Reps Set #6 - 2 Reps Aim is to build steadily on our 2-Rep, where the sets of 4 stay constant. Build each set a little on last week. Competition Club: 1. 10 Min AMRAP: Pull up tap rope climbs 15ft 2. 20 Min AMRAP 10m UB Handstand Walk 8 Double KB Front Squats 32/24kg 6 Bar Muscle Ups 4 Box Jumps 40/30" 2 Strict Muscle Ups 3. 15 Min Fartlek Row for Distance 30 Seconds @ recovery 30 Seconds @ 1.55/2.05 30 Seconds @ Max Effort *Make sure your moderate interval you hold that pace. On the recovery go as slow as you want just keep moving.


SUNDAY: 9am CrossFit: 1. 4 Rounds: Alt E90 Sec 10 Deadbugs 10 DB Bear Rows 2. 20 Min AMRAP In Pairs: Alt partner each round 5m Travelling Burpee 25/20 Cal Row 5m Travelling Burpee 3. 5 Min Head to Head Ski Erg 10am: Mobility Class Open Gym 10am - 11.30am: Please remember to sign in.

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