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Weekly Workouts 13th - 19th May 2019

Writer's picture: JasonJason

Make sure you are aware of our trial new timetable that can be found here:


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email to set up an account.


MONDAY: Fitness: 1. Dumbbell Step Ups 4x6 2. 30 DB Snatches 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20 DB Snatches 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 10 DB Snatches 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs into 1000m Row Dumbbell - 22.5/15kg Box - 24"/20" Performance: 1. See Fitness 2. For Time: 1,000 Meter Row Directly into: 30 DB Snatches 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs 20 DB Snatches 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 10 DB Snatches 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs Dumbbell - 22.5/15kg Box - 24"/20" Sweat: 3x8 Min AMRAPS, 2 min between A. 20 alt Step Ups 10 Bent Over DB Row B. 20 Single KB Deadlift 12/10 Cal Bike C. 20 Sit Ups 10 Cal Ski Weightlifting: 1. Snatch - On the Minute x 15: Minute 1 - 3 Snatch @ 71% Minute 2 - 2 Snatch @ 76% Minute 3 - 1 Snatch @ 81% Minute 4 - Rest Minute 5 - 3 Snatch @ 74% Minute 6 - 2 Snatch @ 79% Minute 7 - 1 Snatch @ 84% Minute 8 - Rest Minute 9 - 3 Snatch @ 77% Minute 10 - 2 Snatch @ 82% Minute 11 - 1 Snatch @ 87% Minute 12 - Rest Minute 13 - 1 Snatch @ 87-92% Minute 14 - 1 Snatch @ 93-96% Minute 15 - 1 Snatch @ 97-100% *If you miss a lift, repeat that target in the next minute 2. Pause Snatch Pull E90 Sec 5x1x102% *2 Sec Pause bellow knee 3. Back Squat: Week 2 - E2MOM Sets of 3x 70%,80%, 3+ x 90% (working off 90% of 1RM) + 5x10 @ 50%


TUESDAY: Fitness 1. 3 Rounds for Quality EMOM Complete a hold for as long as possible with quality positions for a maximum for 40 seconds A. Wall Squat B. Hlollow Hold C. False Grip Chin over Ring D. Superman Hold E. Supine Single Arm Glute Bridge (R) F. Supine Single Arm Glute Bridge (L) G. Bottom of Dip Hold H. Paralette Tuck Hold *Aim to keep a consistent time for the holds. Start conservative and build. 2.OTM alternating for 10 Odd: 10 10m Shuttles Even: Max 10m Shuttles Performance: See Fitness


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: 1. Deadlift: Week 2 - E2MOM Sets of 3x 70%,80%, 3+ x 90% (working off your 2RM or 90% of 1RM) 2. 5 Rounds for time: 200m Run 15 Dead Ball Slams 20/12kg Performance: 1. See Fitness 2. For Time: 200 Meter Run, 2 P Cleans + Jerks 200 Meter Run, 4 P Cleans + Jerks 200 Meter Run, 6 P Cleans + Jerks 200 Meter Run, 8 P Cleans + Jerks 200 Meter Run, 10 P Cleans + Jerks Barbell 70/47.5kg Sweat: Choose Bike, Ski or Row 8 Rounds: 10 Min Max Cals 5 Min rest 10 Rounds: 15 second sprint 45 second rest Weightlifting: 1. Deadlift: Week 2 Deadlifts: - E2MOM Sets of 3x 70%,80%, 3+ x 90% + 5x5 @ 50% (Clean Pulls) *If you did the Deadlifts in the class, start with your volume lifts and then do 3x10 Barbell Rows 2. Jerk Press 3x3 3. Jerk Balance 3x3 4. Split Jerk 5x2


THURSDAY: Fitness:

4 Rounds: 4 Minutes work, 4 Minutes rest 16 Toes to Bar 8 Sandbag Over the Shoulder 65/45kg As many Bike Cals as possible.


See Fitness Gymnastics: Toes to Bar and Straight Arm Pulling (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


FRIDAY: Fitness: 5 Rounds for time: 7 Bar Muscle Ups 7 Thrusters 43/30kg Compare to 8/10/18 Performance: 5 Rounds for time: 7 Bar Muscle Ups 7 DB Clusters 22.5/15kg Compare to 8/10/18


SATURDAY: Fitness: In Teams of 2: Part #1 In a 7:00 Window: 100/70 Cal Row Time Remaining - Max Double Hanging DB Lunges (22.5/15kg) ... Rest 3:00 Part #2 In a 6:00 Window: 75/50 Calorie Row Time Remaining - Double DB Front Squat (22.5/15kg) ... Rest 3:00 Part #3 In a 5:00 Window: 50/30 Calorie Row Time Remaining - Max Lateral Burpees over the Rower Scores - total reps from each part.

Performance: In Teams of 2: Part #1 In a 7:00 Window: 100/70 Row Time Remaining - Max Overhead Squats (42.5/30kg) ... Rest 3:00 Part #2 In a 6:00 Window: 75/50 Calorie Row Time Remaining - Max Hang Squat Cleans (50/35kg) ... Rest 3:00 Part #3 In a 5:00 Window: 50/30 Calorie Row Time Remaining - Max Max Thrusters (60/42.5kg) Scores - total reps from each part. Weightlifting: 1. Clean - On the Minute x 15: Minute 1 - 3 Clean @ 71% Minute 2 - 2 Clean @ 76% Minute 3 - 1 Clean @ 81% Minute 4 - Rest Minute 5 - 3 Clean @ 74% Minute 6 - 2 Clean @ 79% Minute 7 - 1 Clean @ 84% Minute 8 - Rest Minute 9 - 3 Clean @ 77% Minute 10 - 2 Clean @ 82% Minute 11 - 1 Clean @ 87% Minute 12 - Rest Minute 13 - 1 Clean @ 87-92% Minute 14 - 1 Clean @ 93-96% Minute 15 - 1 Clean @ 97-100% *If you miss a lift, repeat that target in the next minute 2. Press: Week 2 - E2MOM Sets of 3x 70%,80%, 3+ x 90% (working off 90% of 1RM) + 5x10 @ 50% 3. Front Squat Waves Set #1 - 4 Reps Set #2 - 2 Reps Set #3 - 4 Reps Set #4 - 2 Reps Set #5 - 4 Reps Set #6 - 2 Reps *Aim is to build steadily on our 2-Rep, where the sets of 4 stay constant. Competition Club: Comp Class: Build to a Heavy: A. 10m Yoke Walk B. 10m Farmers Carry C. Log Clean and Press​ 2. Today's Performance WOD


SUNDAY: 9am CrossFit: 5 Rounds for time: 20/15 Cal Bike 20 Single DB Step Ups 22.5/15kg 5 Strict Supine Pull Ups 20 Sit Ups 200m Run 1 min rest 10am: Mobility Class Open Gym 10am - 11.30am: Please remember to sign in.

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