On Monday the 3rd (WA day Public Holiday) there will be a 8am Weightlifting Class and 9am CrossFit class where we will do Murph. The CrossFit class has a 40-person cap so to guarantee your spot reserve the class via Zen Planner.
A. Gymnastics Week 16: Floor Series 4/4: Dynamic Hand Balancing: Handstand Walking
B. 20 Min AMRAP:
4 Wall Walks
8 Strict Pull Ups
12 Ring Push Ups
16/12 Ski Erg Calories
20/16 Echo Bike Calories
Skill and Strength:
A. See conditioning.
B. 0 - 10 min:
10 Min AMREP:
1m Unbroken Handstand Walk
2m Unbroken Handstand Walk
3m Unbroken Handstand Walk
10 - 20 mim:
10 min AMRAP for quality:
8 Tricep Ring Presses
8 Rope Pull Ups (4 each grip)
8 alt Pistols
8 DB Reverse Flys
Paralette Traverse with max Bar Dips
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit www.btwb.com/signup and use code "CFC123" to set up an account. To be updated with announcements, news and info - join our private Slack group. The link to join is here. Here you can also find some our other tracks: Weightlifting, Mobility and Endurance. Search the name of the track you want from the slack page and/or app and then join. If you have questions just email us. If you wish to view our Competitor's programming, contact us at info@crossfitclaremont.com.au to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track