1. Gymnastics Cycle Week 7 – Ring Series 2/3: Strict Muscle Up
2. 20 Min AMRAP
10 False Grip Chest to Ring Pull Ups
10m Kettlebell Death March (20/12kg)
10 Strict Ring Dips
20 Strict Weighted Knee to Chest (20/14lbs)
20/15 Echo Bike Calories
20/15 Bike Erg Calories
Compare to 29/7/21
Pete D: 3 + 5 False Grip Chest to Ring
1. See Fitness
2. 20 Min AMRAP:
10 Strict Muscle Ups
10m Kettlebell Death March (20/12kg)
20 Strict Weighted Knee to Chest
20/15 Echo Bike Calories
20/15 Bike Erg Calories
Compare to 29/7/21
Quentin: 2 + 1 Muscle Up
Milla: 1 Round
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