In Pairs: 30 Min AMRAP
100 Calorie Row
90 Wall Balls 9/6kg
80 Box Jump Over 24/20"
70 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
60 Calorie Echo Bike
50 Toes to Bar.
Performance: See Fitness
Competition Club: 1. 3 sets of all of the following
Row 20 sec @ 100%
Rest 1:10
Row 30 sec @ 95%
Rest 1:20
Row 2 min @ 5k pace -4 sec
Rest 3 min
2. 5 Rounds: 2 minutes work, 2 minutes rest
12 Butterfly Chest to Bar
9 Toes to Bar
6 Butterfly Pull Ups
3 Muscle Ups
Max Burpee Box Jumps Over in the remaining time
*Pull Ups must be butterfly. If you can't, this becomes a skill session.
If you wish to view our Weightlifting and/or Competitors programming contact us at to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track. Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit and use code "CFC123" to set up an account.