*Repeat week from this time last year: 8-14 Jan 2024
A. 15 minutes to complete 4 rounds for load:
10 alt DB Reverse Lunges
10 DB Deck Press
Compare to 8/1/24
Cam G: 1925kg / Julieta G: 700kg
B. 8 Rounds for time:
8 Burpees
12 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
*10 min time cap
Compare to 8/1/24
Cam G: 6 + 10 Swings / Milla K: 8.30
A. 15 minutes to complete: Tempo Front Squat: (2111)
Final set should be around 85%. 8-9/10 difficulty.
Compare to 8/1/24
Nate S: 1924kg / Nat D: 1210kg
B. 8 Rounds for time:
8 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Power Clean & Jerks (40/30kg)
*10 min time cap
Compare to 8/1/24
Fergus K: 9.01 / Grace B: 6 + 7 Burpees
No sweat class this week, back next week.
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