The form to do the votes on our end of year awards is here: Please fill this our if you're coming to the Christmas Party so we have an idea for numbers. https://forms.gle/ntiwknb3AVtWxxpLA 2024 CHRISTMAS PARTY;
The Christmas Party will be at Mosman Park Bowling Club on the 21st of December. It will begin at 5pm. On the day we will announce the aware winners and fine getting. If you have some funny happenings from the year, please submit them in the fine box. There will also be a Secret Santa, if you want to be involved just bring a gift to the value of $30 along. Dinner will be provided and there will be a silent disco and we will be there late for those wanting to party on. It is a cash bar however we will be putting some money on the bar at the beginning of the night. Please fill out the RSVP form so we can get an idea of numbers for food.
On the 21st of December beginning at 8am we will be having an all abilities Weightlifting event. Details are below: 1. The format of lifts will be - Female Snatch - Male Snatch - Female Clean & Jerk - Male Clean & Jerk
The bar will begin empty and will raise by 1kg at a time. The participants will choose when they want to lift. Once everyone has had one attempt, the bar will reset back to the start, and we will repeat two more times so everyone gets three attempts.
People can increase or decrease from their first attempt.
The Weightlifting cycle for this competition begins on Monday the 18th of November.
You can sign up via the iPad at the front desk by typing your name in like usual, then on the top right-hand corner clicking "register for events" or do it via the Zen Planner app. Or you can do it online here: https://crossfitclaremont.sites.zenplanner.com/sign-up-now.cfm
If you have any other questions, please contact info@crossfitclaremont.com.au
CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS MODIFIED HOURS: The timetable can be viewed online here: Days that are different to the normal timetable: Sunday 22nd: Closed for Xmas Party recovery Tuesday 24th: Closed from 1pm Wednesday 25th Dec: Closed for Christmas Day Thursday 26th Dec: Boxing Day: 8am CrossFit (Gate 1 entry) Friday 27th: Closed from 1m - 3pm Saturday 28th: Summer Fling Social Pairs Comp from 7am Monday 30th: No Sweat class, otherwise as per usual Tuesday 31st: 8am Beach WOD at Swanbourne Beach Wednesday 1st Jan: 8am Weightlifting & 9am CrossFit Thursday 2nd Jan: Closed 10.30am - 4pm Friday 3rd Jan: Closed 1pm - 3pm "SUMMER FLING" MIXED PAIRS EVENT - SATURDAY 28TH OF DECEMBER
Are you bored and don't know what to do between Christmas and New Year? Sick of your family?
Want to get your heart rate up and the blood pumping? Why not try a Summer Fling? On Saturday the 28th of December we will be having the Summer Fling. This will be an all-fitness level suitable, mixed pairs event that will run for a few hours. Similar to the Key Party, there will be some game-style events and if required events can be modified. Sign up with an alternate-gender partner of your choice or you can go onto a list where we can match you up. Your partner can be someone from outside the gym, but they need CrossFit experience. You can sign up via the iPad at the front desk by typing your name in like usual, then on the top right-hand corner clicking "register for events" or do it via the Zen Planner app. Once you have signed up if you can send info@crossfitclaremont.com.au an email saying who your partner is or if you want to go on the match-making service. Or you can do it online here: https://crossfitclaremont.sites.zenplanner.com/sign-up-now.cfm
You can see sign ups here, if you're missing or not paired up with the right person please email us.
DECEMBER 31ST BEACH WOD @ SWANBOURNE BEACH Beach workout at Swanbourne Beach beginning at 8am. The Gym will be closed for the rest of the day. There will be a BBQ and Spikeball afterwards! CROSSFIT OPEN: Feb 28 - March 28 2024