7 Rounds, each for time:
Go every 3 minutes
400m Run
15 Abmat Sit Ups
*Score is your 7 rounders added together.
Compare to 8/9/23
Dom M: 17.08
Laura G: 16.54
"Cement Mixer"
7 Rounds, each for time:
Go every 3 minutes
400m Run
12 Toes to Bar
*Score is your 7 rounders added together.
*Be conserbative early on to ensure you keep the rounders under 3 mins late on.
Compare to 8/9/23
Cooper L: 12.11
Katrina B: 13.28
Competitors Class:
A. For time:
2 sets
5 rounds of 13 (or 13%) of week 1 C2B Pull Ups
- rest 5 minutes between sets -
*Accumulating 130 reps or 13% more than week 1.
*Increase volume from last week but the unbroken sets are smaller and there is more rest.
**If you haven't been following these progressions, start from week 1 or practise your butterfly chest to bar.
B. 4 Total Sets:
3 Rounds for Time:
250/200m Ski
10 Bar Facing Burpees
- rest 3 min between sets-
*12 rounds completed in total
*Third week of these progressions
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