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Weekly Workouts 25th - 3rd March 2019

Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. You can start a Beyond the Whiteboard account by going to signing up and using the code CFC123.


MONDAY: Fitness: 19.1 15 Min AMRAP 19 Wall Balls 9/6kg 10/9 ft 19 Calorie Row Performance: See Fitness Sweat: Tabata: 8 Rounds per movement of 20 work, 10 rest 1 Minute between Movements Bike Calories Abmat Sit Ups 8m Shuttle Ski Calories Row Calories Weightlifting: 1. Pausing Split Jerk 5x2 63%, 68%, 73%x3. 2 second pause in dip and catch. 2. Clean and Jerk On the Minute x 11: 1 Clean and Jerk Minute 1 @ 70%, Minute 2 @ 75%, Minute 3 @ 80%, Minute 4: Rest Minute 5 @ 75%, Minute 6 @ 80%, Minute 7 @ 85%, Minute 8: Rest Minute 9 @ 80%, Minute 10 @ 85%, Minute 11 @ 90% 3 Front Squat On the Minute x 10:1 Front Squat (Building in Weight)


TUESDAY: Fitness 14 Min AMRAP: 25 Double Unders 10 Kettlebell Swings 32/20kg 25 Double Unders 10 Pull Ups Post: OTMx10: 40% of Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups. Performance: At the 0: 6 Rounds: (10 min Cap) 25 Double Unders 5 Power Snatches (70/47.5kg) 25 Double Unders 5 Bar Muscle-ups At the 11: AMRAP 3: Snatches (92.5/65kg) Athletes Choice on Power or Squat Post: See Fitness


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: 1. 3x3 Skin the Cat 2. AMRAP 16: 30 Landmine Squats 30/20kg 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Toes to Bar 30/21 Calorie Row Performance: 1. See Fitness 2. AMRAP 16: 30 Overhead Squats (42.5/30kg) 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 30 Toes to Bar 30/21 Cal Bike Sweat: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Lying Plate Press 15/10kg Box Step Overs 24/20" Bent Over Row 20/15kg Hip Thrust 20/15kg Weightlifting: 1. OTMx12: Power Snatch + Snatch: Start at 70% and build every second set. 2. 6x1: Snatch Balance + Pause Overhead Squat 3. 5x5 Bench Press (Building to a Heavy Set of 5) After Each Set: Max Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups


THURSDAY: Fitness:

3 Rounds: AMRAP 5: 15 Lateral Burpees 21 Sumo Deadlifts 27/21 Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes Round 1: 70/55kg Round 2: 60/45kg Round 3: 50/35kg


3 Rounds: AMRAP 5: 15 Lateral Burpees 21 Power Cleans 27/21 Calorie Row Rest 5 Minutes Round 1: 70/55kg Round 2: 60/45kg Round 3: 50/35kg Gymnastics: Start of Floor Series: Headstands and Kipping Handstand Push Ups (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


FRIDAY: Fitness: 1. Monthly Mission Re Test: Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups 2. "Meterage": In teams of 3: 4 minutes work, 1 minute rest A. Pig Flip 240/160kg: Meters x15 B. Prowler Push 60/40kg: Meters x3 C. Ski: Total Meters D. Run: Total Meters: E. Bike: Meters Divided by 3 Performance: See Fitness


SATURDAY: Fitness: 30 Min AMRAP: In Pairs: Alternate working partner each movement 800m Bike 400m Run 30 Alt. Front Rack DB Step Ups 22.5/15kg 20 Toes Through Rings 10 Strict Supine Pull Ups

Performance: See Fitness Weightlifting: 1. Snatch Technique On the 1:30 x 7 Sets: 3-Position Squat Snatch (High Hang, Hang, Floor) Sets: 60, 63, 66, 69, 72x3% 2. On the 2:00 x 5 Sets: 7 Deadlifts 5 Hang Power Cleans 3 Jerks 3. Tempo Back Squat 5x2 (Building on Last Week) 7 Second Negative, 3 Second Pause in Bottom​ Competition Club: TBA depending on Open WOD.


SUNDAY: Rest Day Open Gym 9am - 11pm: Please remember to sign in.

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