13 min AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts (102/70kg)
55 Wall Ball Shots (9/6kg)
55 Calorie Row
55 Push-Ups
10 DB Jefferson Curls
1 min banded Front Rack stretch (e side)
1 min barbell quad roll (e side)
CrossFit Open 16.4/17.4
13 min AMRAP:
55 Deadlifts (102/70kg)
55 Wall Ball Shots (9/6kg)
55 Calorie Row
55 Handstand Push-Ups
*Small sets unless you're very strong in that movement. Good chance to try RX and chip away.
Compare to 20/3/2017
Wacey B: 1 round
Kat B: 49 HSPU
Post: See Fitness Weightlifting:
(0 - 15 min)
A. Snatch Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
(1+1) x 70%, 70%, 70%, 73%, 73%, 76%
*%s based off 1RM Squat Snatch
(15 - 35 min)
B. Back Squat: Build to a heavy 2 for the day.
(40 - 44 min)
C. 4 min AMRAP:
3 Front Squats @ 75%
*Reps unbroken
7 Rounds:
0 min:
24/16 Calorie Bike Erg
12 1x DB Box Step Over (24/20")
3 min:
24/16 Cal Ski
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
*Complete the first round and then decide if you want add Calories on. Your score is the total Calories completed as long as the Step Overs and Swings are finished too.
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit and use code "CFC123" to set up an account. To be updated with announcements, news and info - join our private Slack group. The link to join is here. Here you can also find some our other tracks: Weightlifting, Mobility and Endurance. Search the name of the track you want from the slack page and/or app and then join. If you have questions just email us. If you wish to view our Competitor's programming, contact us at to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track.
