16 minutes for total reps:
3 Rounds:
4 min AMRAP:
9 Lateral Burpees
15 Front Squats (43/29kg)
9 Strict Pull Ups
Max Bike Cals in the remaining time
2 minutes rest between rounds.
*If you feel like these are a lot of squats for you and you're doing Friday Night Lights, then reduce them to 9.
16 minutes for total reps:
4 min AMRAP:
9 Bar Facing Pogo Burpees
15 Front Squats (43/29kg)
21 Pull Ups
Max Echo Bike Cals in the remaining time
2 min rest
4 min AMRAP:
9 Bar Facing Burpees
15 Overhead Squats (43/29kg)
21 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Max Echo Bike Cals in the remaining time
2 minutes rest
4 min AMRAP:
9 Lateral Burpees
15 Thrusters (43/29kg)
21 Bar Muscle Ups
Max Echo Bike Cals in the remaining time
A. alt OTM x 10:
Odd: 10 Slider Jacknives
Even: C2 Leg Curls
B. For time: 1 min work / 1 min rest
250/200 Calorie Row
(0 - 10 min)
A. Squat Snatch: 10 minutes to build to a quality double.
(10 - 25 min)
B. Deadlift:
In 10 minutes hit a single at 80%
12 min: Max Reps (-2) @ 140/95kg
15 min: Max Reps (-5) @ 100/70kg
*Don't cook yourself, find some rhythm.
(30 - 46 min)
C. 1 min max alt DB Snatch
1 min rest
1 min max DB Jerks
1 min rest
1 min 1xDB alt Step Ups (24/20")
1 min rest
DB: (32.5/22.5kg)
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