A. 8 Rounds alt OTM (16 mins)
Odd: 3 Deadlifts (use a little more than last week on each set)
Even: 10 Single Leg Bent Knee Slantboard Heel Raises (each side)
B. 15 min AMRAP:
15 Wall Balls (9/6kg, 10/9ft)
12/9 Cal Echo Bike
9 V Ups
A. 8 sets (OT2M)
A1. 5-sec Maximal Isometric Snatch Grip Pin Pull above knee
- then at the 30 sec -
A2. 1.1.1. Hang Power Snatch
*Do a rep every 15 secs (30, 45, 60 sec)
*Around 65% of 1RM Hang Power Snatch
*Focus on powerful leg drive and strong catch.
B. 15 min AMRAP:
12/8 Cal Standing C2 Bike (damper 10)
10 Unbroken Front Squats @ 30%
12/8 Cal Standing C2 Bike (damper 10)
20 Unbroken Wall Walls
2 min rest
0 min:
A. Power Development
Every 90 sec x 5 sets:
8/6 Cal Echo Bike
10 min:
B. Sustain
3 Rounds, 7 min work, 3 min rest
80/60 Calorie Row
Max Echo Bike Cals in the remaining 7 mins.
(0 - 16 min)
A. 8 sets (OT2M)
A1. 5-sec Maximal Isometric Snatch Grip Pin Pull above knee
- then at the 30 sec -
A2. 1.1.1. Hang Power Snatch
*Do a rep every 15 secs (30, 45, 60 sec)
*Around 65% of 1RM Hang Power Snatch
*Focus on powerful leg drive and strong catch.
if you did this in class:
8 sets (OT2M)
3 Drop Snatch
(20 - 32 min)
B. 8s x 2r Jerk behind the Neck in Split (OT90)
*Keep your feet perfect and receive in lockout.
*Start at around 50% and build.
*If you didn't do Monday's squats, skip C & B and do that.
(32 - 40 min)
C. 3 x 10 Barbell Hip Thrusts (OT2.5)
*Heavy, ensure you get to lockout.
(40 - 43 min)
D. Rotational med Ball Throw
3 x 6 per side
*One partner throws, and the other catches. Use a deadball. Guys 12 or 9kg, Girls 9 or 6kg
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