Fitness: 1. alt OTM
Odd: 3 ATG Split Squats
Even: 5 Sotts Press
2. 3 Rounds
6 minutes work, 2 minutes rest
15 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
21/15 Calorie Ski
27/21 Calorie Row
Max Calorie Echo Bike in the remaining time Performance: See Fitness Bulletproof Strength Class: 1. Seated sled pull 5-7 sets to build to a heavy pull - + superset 12 per side of a single leg wall hinge
2. 5-7 sets to build to a heavy set of 10 KB Filley press (5 per arm) superset 5 Bulgarian Spilt Squat
3. 15 minutes for quality 20 Banded face pull
20 KB pull through 20 banded good mornings
20 banded leg extensions
20 straight arm pulldown Open Gym 10am - 12pm: Please remember to sign in.
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