A. Mobility
A1. 90 sec couch stretch (e side) *Hands on floor Hip focus variant
A2. 90 sec Peanut work: side to side and reverse crunches + 90 sec peanut w DB lower
A3. 90 sec Saddle + 90 sec Squat hold
B. OTM x 25: 5 Rounds
45 sec work / 15 sec rest
M1: Hanging DB Reverse Lunges (22.5/15kg)
M2: Max Cal Skierg
M3: Dead Ball Slams (12/9kg)
M4: Max Cal Echo Bike
M5: Rest
*Score is total reps.
A. See Fitness
B. OTM x 25:
45 sec work / 15 sec rest
M1: 3 High Step Up w controlled lower (e side)
M2: Moderate Cal Skierg
M3: 4 Single Arm R Row (per side)
M4: Max Cal Echo Bike
M5: 5 Side Plank Arch Up (per side)
*Focus on controlled reps with a full range of motion.
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