A. 10 minutes to complete: Front Squat 10-8-6-4-2
*Aim you know %s, aim to go 50%-60%,70%-80%-90%
B. 15 min AMRAP:
150m Run
12 Deadlifts (80/60kg)
9 Goblet Squat (22.5/15kg)
6 Strict Pull Ups
30 sec Hang Tuck
*Do unbroken where possible.
A. 10 minutes to complete: Week 8 of your 5/3/1 Front Squats: At least 3 warm up sets and then: Pause Front Squat (2 sec) 3 x 40%, 50%, 60%. *Refer to the spreadsheet for your increases from the last wave.
B. 5 Rounds for max reps, 2 minutes work / 1 minute rest
12 Deadlifts (120/80kg)
12 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Max Lateral Burpees in the remaining time.
*If you don't make it to the Burpee, just continue to get as many as you can.
3 Rounds
A. 10/8 Cal Echo @ 90+% sprint effort
20/16 Cal Echo @ max sustainable pace
rest 2min
12/9 Cal Ski @ 90+% sprint effort
24/18 Cal Ski @ max sustainable pace
rest 2min
14/10 Cal Row @ 90+% sprint effort
28/22 Cal Row @ max sustainable pace
rest as needed between sets
Not Scoring today. Focus on your own internal gears/effort.
Intent: High Power Efforts into max sustainable paces. Learn where your "threshold" is on each machine in order to properly pace in CrossFit workouts.
Target: Maintian the same effort on all 90+% sprints AND on your max sustainable efforts. There should be NO drop off from set to set so pick a pace that allows you to be sustainable throughout.
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