A. For load: OT90
5 Weighted Pull Ups
5 Strict Pull Ups
4 Weighted Pull Ups
4 Strict Pull Ups
3 Weighed Pull Ups
3 Strict Pull Ups
2 Weighed Pull Ups
2 Strict Pull Ups
B. For time:
5 Rope Climbs
800m Run
30 Deadlifts (80/60kg)
800m Run
50/40 Calorie Row
A. See Fitness
B. For time:
50/40 Cal Row
800m Run
30 Power Snatch (50/35kg)
800m Run
5 Rope Climbs
Compare to 15/6/18
Sean Sw: 13.03
Kim H: 14.09 Comp Class:
Skip Part B of the WOD today and complete the extra credit pistol work:
A. 2 Rounds for time
400m Run
110% of best Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups done broken up where needed
- 3 min rest -
*If you only have singles, choose something between 3-6
B. Every 3 minutes until failure:
18/14 cal Row
12 Thrusters @ (50/35kg)
1 Rope Climb
**Add 1 rope climb per set until you can no longer complete the interval within 3 minutes.
Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit and use code "CFC123" to set up an account. If you wish to view our Weightlifting and/or Competitors' programming, contact us at to be added to the private group or you can follow on our Beyond the Whiteboard track. To be updated with announcements, news and info - join our private Slack group. The link to join is here.
