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Weekly Workouts 25th - 1st December 2019

Writer's picture: JasonJason

Upcoming Events/Info 30th November: NSW and QLD Fire Relief Appeal Please scroll down to Saturday's Post to read about the schedule change for this week. 14th December: 12 Days of Christmas WOD 21st December: Christmas Party / Nass' going away party. Details here Check the Events page for more info -


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email to set up an account. If you are interested in competitions and/or would like access to our Competitors and Extra's program, ask a coach.


MONDAY: Fitness: In Pairs: 3 x 10 Min AMREPs 1000m Run (together) 60 Bar Facing Burpees Max Strict Rope Pull Up Performance: In Pairs: 3 x 10 Min AMREPs 1000m Run (together) 60 Bar Facing Burpees Max Muscle Ups in the remaining time Sweat: 5 Min Max Airbike Calories 5 minutes rest 20 Min Max Airbike Calories 5 minutes rest 1 Min Max Airbike Calories Compare to 17/5/19 Siobhane 240 Sean Y 426 Weightlifting: *For the immediate future for Weightlifting classes, you will need to fill out a spreadsheet to calculate your lifting loads. The spreadsheet has been posted in the CrossFit Claremont Members Facebook page. Add Jason Walker on Facebook and he can add you in if you aren't in there. If you don't have Facebook, email and he can email you the document. 1. Tempo Back Squat Cycle 2/5 5x4x78% of 1RM @ 30X1 (OT3M) 2. Push Press Wave 1 Week 25x65%, 75% 5+ x 85% then 5x5x70% *No cycling the Push Press 3. OTMx5: 5 Muscle Snatch 1 minute rest OTMx5: 2 Snatch Pulls @ 105%


TUESDAY: Fitness 1. 6x1+2 (Pause Deadlift + Deadlift) *2 second pause below knee 2. 12 Min AMRAP 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Clean 6 Shoulder to Overhead Barbell 40/30kg Performance: 1. See Fitness 2. 12 Min AMRAP 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Clean 6 Shoulder to Overhead Rounds 1-3: 50/35kg Rounds 4-6: 60/40kg Rounds 7+: 70/45kg


WEDNESDAY: Fitness: 1. Front Squat Wave 1 Week 2 5x65%, 75% 5+ x 85% then 5x5x70% 2. 10 minutes Max Airbike Calories Performance: See Fitness Sweat: Death by Ski Erg Calories:1 min work, 1 min rest Men start @ 10 Women start @ 6 *Add 2 Calories each round. **If you fail before the 10th round, continue on with the second highest round you completed. Post: 4x7 Ab Wheels Weightlifting: 1. Front Squat Wave 1 Week 2 5x65%, 75% 5+ x 85% then 5x5x70% (If you did this in the class, complete:8x5 Supported Pendlay Rows). 2. Power Clean Wave 1 Week 2 5x65%, 75% 5+ x 85% then Hang Power Clean 5x5x70% *Power Clean is a dump and reset from the floor. 3. Build to a Heavy 5 Split Press


THURSDAY: Fitness: 1. Max Double Unders in 3 minutes Compare to 3/12/18 Wacey 308 Siobhane 267 2. 4 Rounds for time: 27 Sit Ups 21 Assisted Box Jump Over 15/10 Calorie Ski 9 Toes to Bar


See Fitness Gymnastics: Week 1. Midline Strength & Control (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:


(Fun Kit) FRIDAY: Fitness: If you don't wear a fun kit: 60 minute run, otherwise: 4 Min AMRAP: 21 DB Deck Press 21 Single DB Box Step Over Max Row Calories in remaining time 4 minutes rest 4 Min AMRAP: 15 Deck Press 15 Single DB Box Step Over Max Row Calories in remaining time 4 minutes rest 4 Min AMRAP: 9 Deck Press 9 Single DB Box Step Over Max Row Calories in remaining time Dumbbell/s: 22.5/15kg Box 24/20" Performance: If you don't wear a fun kit: 60 minute run, otherwise: 4 Min AMRAP: 21 Push Press 50/35kg 21 Single DB Box Step Over Max Row Calories in remaining time 4 minutes rest 4 Min AMRAP: 15 Push Press 70/50kg 15 Single DB Box Step Over Max Row Calories in remaining time 4 minutes rest 4 Min AMRAP: 9 Push Press 90/60kg 9 Single DB Box Step Over Max Row Calories in remaining time Dumbbell: 22.5/15kg Box 24/20" A fun kit doesn't need to be a whole outfit, it something subtle is fine.


SATURDAY: This Saturday there will be a slightly modified schedule so we can maximise attendance to the CrossFit classes. We will be having a fundraiser for the NSW and QLD Bushfire Disaster Relief Appeal. All the raised money will be donated to Red Cross. Please donate generously, for many of these people through no fault of their own have lost everything. We will be doing the workout "Hotshots 19". There will be two real life Firefighters there too who can squirt you with a hose after the workout. The schedule for Saturday will be 7.30am Weightlifting 8.30am CrossFit 9.30am CrossFit Fitness: "Hotshots 19" 6 Rounds for time: 30 Squats 19 Power Cleans 60/40kg 7 Strict Pull Ups 400m Run Alternative Options: Can be shared between 2 people or 6 Rounds for time: 30 Squats 19 Kettlebell Swings 32/20kg 7 Strict Pull Ups 400m Run On June 30, 2013 while fighting a fire in Yarnell, AZ, nineteen members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting team tragically lost their lives. Compare to 12/10/13 Jason 31.41 Linda M 30.24

Performance: See Fitness Weightlifting: 1. Snatch: 4x60%70%,75% 3x3x80% (OT2.5 Min) 2. Clean and Jerk: 4x60%70%,75% 3x3x80% (OT2.5 Min) 3. Build to a Heavy Double Overhead Squat


SUNDAY: 9am CrossFit: 4 Rounds: 6 Minutes work, 2 minute rest 25/20 Calorie Row 25/20 Calorie Ski Max Calorie Airbike in the remaining time 10am: Gymnastics: Week 1. Midline Strength & Control (Check out our Gymnastics schedule here:

11am: Mobility Class Open Gym 10am - 12pm: Please remember to sign in.

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