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Weekly Workouts 16 - 22nd September

Writer's picture: JasonJason

Upcoming Events/Info 26th October: CrossFit Claremont do True Grit - Get your regos in! (the 10.30am slot is full, book into the 10.15am instead and you can just wait) Check the Events page for more info -


Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email to set up an account. If you would like access to our Competitors/Extra's program, ask a coach.


MONDAY: 1. 4 Rounds alt E 90 seconds 5 Box Touch Downs 2-13 Pike HSPU 2. 20 Min AMRAP: 50 Alt Step Ups 40/32 Calorie Row 30 Push Ups 20 Box Jumps 3x10m Handstand Walk or 100m Bear Crawl Strength Class: 1. Half Kneeling Landmine Press 5-5-5-5-5 2. S5 20 Rep Squat:3x5 Warm up sets as required then, 20x70% of 5RM 3. OT2Mx5: Max Unbroken Australian Pull-Ups


TUESDAY: 5 Rounds OT2M: 15 DB Deadlift 15 Hollow Rocks 4 Rounds of each distance, each for time - OT2.5 mins 400m Run 300m Run 200m Run


WEDNESDAY: 1. 5 Rounds for reps OT2M Max Unbroken Bent over DB Row 22.5/15kg superset with 10 cossack squats. *Add DB if you can get below parallel. 2. In Pairs: 20 Rounds for time: 10 Double DB Front Squats 22.5/15kg 20/15 Calorie Row *Alt partner each round, 35 min cap Strength Class: 1. 5 Rounds: 5 DB Press + 5 DB Push Press + 5 DB Push Jerk 2. S6 20 Rep Squat: 3x5 Warm up sets as required then, 20x75% of 5RM 3. 5 Min AMRAP: Kettlebell Double Clean and Jerk 32/20kg Compare to


THURSDAY: 1. 4 Giant Sets 5 Landmine Press 5 Landmine Push Press 5 Landmine Single Arm Row 2. In teams of 3 for time: 300m Sandbag Carry 65/45kg 300m DB Walking Lunge 22.5/15kg 300m Sled Drag 60/40kg *The team will be carrying a set of 22.5/15kg DBs, if they touch the ground at any point, complete a 850m Run


FRIDAY: 1. Choose your own adventure: 10000m Row or 10000m Ski or 20000m Bike Erg First in best dress for preferences ;)


SATURDAY: (CrossFit 7.30 & 8.30am, Run Club at 9.30am) In Pairs: 3x9 Min AMRAPs, 1 min rest between 1. 30/24 Calorie Bike 20 KB Swing 32/24kg 2. 30/24 Calorie Row 20 Lateral C2 Burpees 3. 30/24 Calorie Ski 20 DB Thrusters 22.5/15kg"


SUNDAY: 9am Swim Club @ Claremont Pool. Please try to reserve a spot via Zen Planner.

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