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  • Kat

Wednesday 31.07.24

A. 3 sets; 15 minutes to complete

10 Barbell Hip Thrusts

- 1 min rest -

10 Slider Leg Curls

- 1 min rest -

B. 4 Rounds for reps:

3 min AMREP:

300m Run

7 Line Facing Burpees

Max Calorie Ski in the remaining time

- 90 sec rest between rounds


A. Deadlift OTM at 70% of 1RM

M1: 3 reps

M2: 4 reps

M3: 5 reps

*Continue until 9/10 RPE or form is lost. Touch and go is allowed.

B. 4 Rounds for reps:

3 min AMREP:

300m Run

15 Line Facing Burpees

Max Calorie Echo Bike in the remaining time

- 90 sec rest between rounds Sweat:

5 Rounds:

42/32 Calorie Ski

42/32 Cal Echo Bike

- 1 min rest

*Round 2 and 4 must be done with nasal breathing only. 45 min time cap Weightlifting:

(0 - 15 min)


5 x 65%

5 x 70%

5+ x 75%

5 x 70%

(15 - 30 min)

Build to a tough complex in 15 minutes: Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Push Jerk + Split Jerk

(35 - 45 min)

A. Deadlift OTM at 70% of 1RM

M1: 3 reps

M2: 4 reps

M3: 5 reps

*Continue until 9/10 RPE or form is lost. Touch and go is allowed.

if you did this in class:

A. 3 sets; 15 minutes to complete

10 Barbell Hip Thrusts

- 1 min rest -

10 Slider Leg Curls

- 1 min rest -


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