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Wednesday 13.11.24


A. 12 min alt OTM:

Odd: 5 Deadlifts (stop and reset)

Even: 5 Dumbbell Z Press

*Start moderate on each and increase load if able.

Compare to 23/11/22

B. 15 min AMRAP:

16m 2x DB Hanging Wallking Lunge (22.5/15kg)

6 Ring Dips

16/12 Echo Bike Calories

6 Strict Pull Ups

*Modify to Kneeling Ring Pull Ups & Bar Dips

*As long as you can do 8 steps do DBs Rx.

Compare to 23/11/22

Ben C: 4 + 14 Cals

Michelle H: 3 + 6 Dips


A. Deadlift: 5 x 70%, 3 x 80% & 1+ x 90%. *Do the same loads as 2 years ago if you did it and try to get more reps.

Compare to 23/11/22

Jason W: 4 x 201kg

Michelle H: 2 x 150kg

B. 15 Min AMRAP:

16m 2x DB Front Rack Walking Lunge

7/5 Muscle Ups

8m 2x DB Overhead Walking Lunge

12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Dumbbells: (22.5/15kg)

*Don't choose a movement that you to spend more than 90 secs there. Ideally RX but reduce reps.

Compare to 23/22/11

Nate S: 4 + 4m FR Lunge


(0 - 20 min)

A. Clean & Jerk OTM:

Min 1-5: 1 x 70%

Min 6-10: 1 x 73%

Min 11-15: 1 x 76%

Min 16-20: 1 x 79%

(20 - 35 min)

B. Back Squat: 3 x 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80%

(35 - 45 min)

C. Deadlift: 5 x 70%, 3 x 80% & 1+ x 90%. *Do the same loads as 2 years ago if you did it and try to get more reps.

If you did this during class:

Complete 4 x 15 Reverse Hypers

*It would be wise to do at least a few of these post workout today regardless.


A. 10 min AMRAP (easy to moderate effort Nasal breathing)

12/9 Calorie Bike Erg

20m Sandbag Carry

9/6 Calorie Ski

B. Death by Ski Erg Calories (with rest)

1 min work / 1 min rest

*Start at 12/9 Calories.

Rest 1 min between each effort. Increase by 1 after a succesful attemopt. After failure, drop back 3 less than the failed attempt and continue until everyone is done.

Compare to 23/11/22


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