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Tuesday 02.05.17 - Member of the Month: Travis Ursino

Writer's picture: JasonJason

Member 1/2 of the month: Travis!! When, how and why did you get started with us? I think it was August 2015, I was looking for something different instead of bodybuilding type training. I decided to try some Olympic weightlifting classes and then figured oh I'd do a few WODs to lean down, at that point it was all over I got to know all the crew and they made me a crossfitter.. :) What would be your dream workout? I'll have to answer two here, a heavy deadlift ladder or Heavy deadlifts, some Double Unders, Box jump overs, toes to bar... What workout would you want to avoid? Whatever WOD has the most thrusters in it haha. Favourite Crossfit Athlete: This one is tough I'd have to say Mat Fraser but Josh Bridges is up there as well, both amazing athletes. Whats the best thing you own that cost under $100? Probably my Rpm speed rope ,changed my life :) Biggest fashion mistake you’ve ever made: Does my first tattoo count haha if so that. Favourite quote: Your my boy blue !! (Will Ferrell in Old school) Whats your fav 90s jam: Smash Mouth (All Star),Film clips pretty good too. Last thing you watched on TV: Madmen Funniest thing that happened to you recently: Maybe me at the Xmas party thinking I lost my phone while talking on it or the drive home/driveway walk videos Loz took of me after Jaso's Bucks. Most used emoji: 😂 If you could have one other CrossFit Claremont members body part, what would it be? Quadzilla's Legs (Paul Watts), D lanes chest hair is a close second.

4 Min AMRAP 30 Power Snatches 40/30kg 30 Overhead Squats 40/30kg Max Bar Facing Burpees in the remaining time. 4 Minutes Rest 4 Min AMRAP 20 Power Snatches 50/35kg 20 Overhead Squats 50/35kg Max Bar Facing Burpees in the remaining time. 4 Minutes Rest 4 Min AMRAP 10 Power Snatches 60/40kg 10 Overhead Squats 60/40kg Max Bar Facing Burpees in the remaining time. Post results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Join here.

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