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The CrossFit Open 2018!

Writer's picture: JasonJason

It's that time of year that brings joy, excitement and discomfort - The CrossFit Open. The Open is held each year for 5 weeks, this year beginning on the 22nd of Feb. Each week a new workout is released which you complete as best you can. The Open is a great chance to get together as a community, see what you're capable of and compare your fitness year to year. There are age categories and scaled options too, so don't worry no matter your fitness level everyone can compete. We will be running the schedule similar to last year with the primary time to compete will be Friday evening where we will be holding 'Friday Night Lights". Even if you aren't intending on doing the Open come down, have a few beers and cheer everyone on. Friends and family are more then welcome to come too. The Open workout will also be the WOD for Monday, so you will be doing it anyway :) However, we cannot guarantee that your Monday workout will be able to be a legitimate attempt because sometimes CrossFit HQ make workouts that logistically don't work for a class and we can only run 4-6 people at a time (eg 16.1 and 17.2). So try your best to get it done on Friday night.

We will also be having a slightly different twist this year, on the Wednesday before the Open everyone who has registered will be evenly divided into three 'Factions'. Your faction captain will be one of the coaches, and your faction will be responsible for keeping each other accountable and on task for the 5 weeks. The factions are: Blue (Wacey) Gold (Kat) Black (Nass) During the completion of Open workouts you will need to wear your team colours and your team will be scored each week on the accumulation of each team members placing within the Gym. The most important part will be participation each week because by missing a workout your team will receive the highest possible score and the lowest placing. The Open is about is about participation, getting the most out of yourself and having fun. It's only as serious as you want it to be. If you are looking to best prepare yourself, our Comp Class at 10.30am on Satruday's is designed to prepare people for CrossFit Competition. All are welcome. You can sign up at and when asked, put your affiliate at CrossFit Claremont. Each person doing the Open we also require to do the judges course. This allows us to legally judge each other and also gives each of us a better understand of the standards. If you're signed up to the Open, asked to be added to our CrossFit Competition page, all Open information will be posted in there so we don't flood the non Open people. Hit up our coaches if you have any questions. Have fun!

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