
Jun 7, 20201 min

Saturday 13.06.20

Updated: Jun 10, 2020

In Pairs:

5 x 5 Min AMRAPs, beginning on the 5 minutes:

400m Run (together)

30 Wall Balls

100 alt Hang DB Snatch 22.5/15kg

*Score is total Snatches

In Pairs:

5 x 5 Min AMRAPs, beginning on the 5 minutes:

400m Run (together)

30 Wall Balls

50 Hang Power Snatch 50/35kg

*Score is total Snatches

Weightlifting: (Remember, it is a requirement to complete the CFC Weightlifting Warm Up before the start of the Weightlifting class. Visit our YouTube page if you wish to see it).

1. Back Squat: OT3

In 5 - 7 sets, build to 95% of your 1RM for a triple. All sets must be 3s.

2. Snatch High Pull: OT90sec

5 x 3 x 80%

directly into

3. Clean Pull: 5 x 3 x 80%

4. Snatch Grip Bent-over Barbell Row: 20-15-10 AHAFA

Competition Club:
*This class is suitable and encouraged for all fitness levels if you are intending to compete in CrossFit/Fitness competitions and have a good grounding in the basic CrossFit movements.

1. Session 2 from Thursday's Rowing if you completed Session 1. If not then session 1.

2. In Pairs:
0 - 10 min:
50 Bar Muscle Ups
50m Handstand Walk (5m increments)

10 - 20 min:
60 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
40 Ground to Overhead 50/35kg

20 - 30 min:
70 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
30 Burpee Box Jump Over 48"

Score is the total time of all 3 workouts added together.

Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Visit www.btwb.com/signup and use code "CFC123" to set up an account.
