
Jan 251 min

Member of the Month for January: Brenda

When, how, and why did you get started with us?

In early 2021, I sort of stumbled into CrossFit Claremont while dealing with some early stages of depression and carrying a bit of extra weight. CrossFit felt like the perfect vibe, and I enrolled on the same day to cut out excuses. It's been a game-changer.

What would be your dream workout?

A mix of box jumps, kettlebell swings, and deadlifts. 

What workout would you want to avoid?

Burpees and the Echo bike are definitely on my "avoid at all costs" list!

Favorite CrossFit Athlete?

Nate! It's not just about the physique; your infectious personality keeps pushing us to be our best, and Tia-Clair is an absolute beast. 

Best thing you own under $100?

Lululemon leggings – worth every penny!

Biggest fashion mistake?

Oversized skate shoes. 

Favorite quote?

"There are no problems, only opportunities for growth." - Rebbetzin Dena Weinberg

Fav 90s jam?


Last thing watched on TV?

The American Nightmare

Funniest recent incident?

Coming out of the ocean I was badly wiped out and literally ate sand. 

Most used emoji?


If you could adopt another member's attribute?

Junko is an amazing example for me
