
Oct 19, 20193 min

Weekly Workouts 21-26th October 2019

Upcoming Events/Info

23rd October - New CrossFit Kids term starting.


26th October: CrossFit Claremont do True Grit - Get your regos in! (the 10.30am slot is full, book into the 10.15am instead and you can just wait)


21st December: Christmas Party / Nass' going away party.


Check the Events page for more info - https://www.crossfitclaremont.com.au/blog/category/Events

Log all workout results to Beyond the Whiteboard. Email info@crossfitclaremont.com.au to set up an account.


If you are interested in competitions and/or would like access to our Competitors and Extra's program, ask a coach.



Squat Hold Day 21: 30 on, 30 off, 1.30 on, 30 off, 3 minutes on.


Open 20.2

20 Min AMRAP:

4 Dumbbell Thrusters

6 Toes to Bar

24 Double Unders


See Fitness


10 minutes allocated to each movement. If you don't hit the minimum requirement your score resets to 0. 1 minute rest between movements.

Bike Erg




Odd Minutes: 12/9 Calories

Even: Max Calories



1. Clean & Jerk 10x1 [OTMx10]


2. 15 minutes to establish a Heavy but Quality 3RM Shoulder to overhead. Bar is taken from the ground.


3. Front Rack alt Reverse Lunge 3x10


4. Weighted Hip Extension 3x10



Squat Hold Day 22: 1 min on, 30 seconds off, 1 min on 30 seconds off, 3 minutes on


1k Row TT


rest 5 minutes, then


10x 250m @ 1k /500m speed.

Work to rest - 1:1


Post: Tabata Hollow Rocks


See Fitness



Squat Hold Day 23: 2 minutes on, 1 minute off, 3 minutes on


3 Rounds (18:00 total):


12 Push Ups

12 Pull Ups

Max Calorie Assault Bike...


Rest 1:00


In a 2:00 Window

12 Push Ups

6 Box Step Overs 22.5/15kg

Max Calorie Ski...


Rest 1:00


3 Rounds (18:00 total):


35% your Max Strict HSPU

12 CTB Pull-Ups

Max Calorie Assault Bike ...


Rest 1:00


In a 2:00 Window

35% of your Max Strict HSPU

6 Box Step Overs 22.5/15kg

Max Calorie Ski ...


Rest 1:00


8 Rounds OT4M5

3m Sled Push/Pull 60/40kg(Up and back is 1 rep)

15/12 Calorie Airbike

*Score is total time of all 8 rounds.


1. 21:00 Running Clock...

Minutes 0:00-7:00:Build to a Moderate: 3 Snatch Drops

Minutes 7:00-14:00:Build to a Moderate: 2 Snatch Balances

Minutes 14:00-21:00:5 Sets of 1: High Hang Squat Snatch


2. Box Squat 7x3 Squats

* Set height to just below parallel.1s full stop at bottom.



Squat Hold Day 24: 1.30 on, 1 minute off, 3.30 minutes on


1. Banded Deadlift 6x3 (building) Red/Orange OT90 sec


2. 5 Rounds for time:

3 Rope Climbs

6 Deadlifts 100/70kg

12 True Ring Rows


See Fitness


Freestand Handstand Holds


(Check out our Gymnastics schedule here: https://www.crossfitclaremont.com.au/single-post/2019/01/04/Gymnastics-Cycle)

(Fun Kit) FRIDAY:


Squat Hold Day 25: 1 on, 1 minute off, 4 minutes on


1. Front Squat 5x5

*Aim to add to each set from last week.


2. 10 Rounds: OT2M

200 Run

1 Hang Power Clean + Front Squat

*Score is total load over the 10 rounds.


1. Front Squat 5x5 *Aim to add to each set from last week.


2. 10 Rounds: OT2M

200 Run

1 Hang Clean

*Score is total load over the 10 rounds.

SATURDAY: (You must reserve a spot for the 8.30am class via the Zen Planner app)


Squat Hold Day 26: 30 on, 1 minute off, 4.30 minutes on


In Pairs: 20 Min AMRAP - One person working at a time

10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20"

20 Calorie Row

30 Back Rack alt Lunges 30/20kg


See Fitness


1. Snatch: 3x50%, 60%, 2x70%, 75%, 1x80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 90%


2. Clean and Jerk: 3x50%, 60%, 2x70%, 75%, 1x80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 90%


3. Pause Front Squat (5 seconds) Build to a Heavy Single

Competition Club:

Open workout 20.3



Squat Hold Day 27: 30 on, 30 seconds off, 4.30 minutes on

9am CrossFit:

1. 4 Rounds for load/quality

A. 10 Deck Press

B. 10 Half Kneeling Landmine Press

C. 10 Strict Pull Ups (if you can't get 10 Unbroken use a band across J hooks)


2. 10 minutes of moderate breathing. Choose either a Airbike, Big Erg, Ski Erg or Rower. The goal is to elevate your heart rate but not create stress. The first 5 minutes is to be nose breathing only.

10am: Gymnastics:

Freestand Handstand Holds

(Check out our Gymnastics schedule here: https://www.crossfitclaremont.com.au/single-post/2019/01/04/Gymnastics-Cycle)

11am: Mobility Class


Open Gym 10am - 12pm: Please remember to sign in.
